A good concept but lacking in some areas
First off, the game is a great idea and could have been made into an amazing game. That being said there are somethings that should be improved.
1) This game is simply too easy: It took untill the 40th level before I had to repair. And the AI just never deals enough damage to make it challenging. More moves (guns, bombs etc.) would be great.
2) Glitches: The biggest one I found might not be a glitch but it is somewhat annoying. After the AI has used it's 5 repairs it will start waiting insted of healing. This just leaves it an open target many times.
3) It can get very tedious: Though the music is fun the actual ingame experience can be somewhat boring. FIrst off, there is only 1 map, perhaps other places (campaign mode?) would spice it up. As I said above, there are only 2 moves you can do on a regular basis (3 if you include moving back and charging) and clicking the same two buttons over and over can get reppetetive. Then there's the AI that has very little attack power but dodges like mad. This makes for 20 min games of constant misses on both sides that frankly almost put me to sleep.
4) Random things: How come when you get to the higher levels there are really hard AI but then all of the sudden theres an AI you can two shot for the same ammount of money?
5) Good Things: Sleek graphics and a good range of customizable options. Also, I loved the tounge-in-cheek humor when you descirbed the upgrades.
Keep it up. I'll be anticipating a Chrome Wars II